Welsh Harlequin Ducks, one of two critically endangered heritage breeds we raise.

Welsh Harlequin Ducks, one of two critically endangered heritage breeds we raise.

About Duck Eggs

There are a lot of reasons to love duck eggs, it's a shame that they're not more readily available.  They are similar to other poultry eggs (in that they have a yolk and albumen) and have unique qualities that make them special.  Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs and have thicker shells and membranes, giving them a longer shelf life and making them harder to crack. They are richer and smoother than chicken eggs because they have a larger ratio of yolk to albumen and a higher fat content.  And if that wasn't enough, they are more nutrient dense (higher amounts of protein, minerals and most vitamins) than chicken eggs. Below are answers to some of the questions we get about our duck eggs.  If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

  • What do your ducks eat? Our ducks spend dawn till dusk on pasture, eating nutritious insects and greens. We supplement their pasture diet with organic, pelleted feed and keep their guts healthy with supplements of farm-made apple cider vinegar and brewers yeast.

  • How do I use duck eggs? You can use duck eggs just like you'd use any other egg. There are just a couple of considerations to make:

    • Use duck eggs exactly like you'd use a chicken, quail or turkey egg, but remember to account for the size difference.

    • They contain less water than chicken eggs, so don't overcook or the whites will get rubbery.

    • Though they are harder to peel than chicken eggs, they make delicious deviled eggs and are well worth the effort. Oh, and did we mention that a duck egg omelets are the best?

    • They have a larger yolk to albumen ratio, which makes them more rich

  • Why are duck eggs more expensive than chicken eggs? Ducks have different laying patterns, annual production rates, husbandry requirements and labor inputs because they are waterfowl. All of these things make them more costly to produce than the more common chicken egg. Ducks eat more than chickens so the cost of feed is higher and they require substantially more square footage of housing than chickens do because most breeds of domestic ducks don't roost.


What's a duck's life like on our farm?

Our ducks spend their nights in a duck house with plenty of fresh air, nesting space and water. Come dawn, we herd them out to pasture and secure them with electric poultry netting - to keep four legged predators at bay. There they spend the day being ducks and doing all of the things that ducks love to do. Playing in the water, foraging for food, taking naps in the shade. We like to joke that watching "duck tv" is more entertaining than just about anything else you can find on network or cable stations.