What we grow is important but even more important than that is how we grow it. Orange Star Farm is committed to ecologically sound growing and follows a system that relies on the natural systems of the soil and nature. We don't use any synthetic herbicides/pesticides or fertilizers and strive to make our growing systems as closed and as regenerative as possible. We do not use GMO seeds and 99% of the varieties we grow are open pollinated. We grow beautiful, flavorful and fresh produce while supporting soil and other living natural systems. The plants thrive and are resilient enough to ward off pest infestations and diseases. We are not certified organic by the USDA but hold ourselves to a high standard and are always learning from our own experiences as well as those of our farming friends. Farming is change and we always strive to improve the way we grow. We hope that all of our products, whether produce, eggs or meat speak for themselves, regardless of our certifications. We are deeply committed to principles of organic practices, land stewardship and animal welfare so feel free to contact us or ask us questions if you have them.